Putting Things Right

Between every word that comes from your mouth
There’s an infinity that I swim in
I balance on the tip of your tongue
The edge of my seat is where I’m gonna be

My syntax is like a taxi taking
you from A to B

Swallowed a dictionary now
But I think I know what you need

Sit yourself down
Wipe off that frown
Cos I’m not reading the Riot Act yet
Nevertheless, I require less
of certain things, gonna spell them out now

I’m all ears
Despite my fears that I have
overstepped the mark

You know when you do
and that’s a clue
That you know how to put things right

Put things right
Put things right
Well, you know how to put things right
Put things right
Put things right
Well, you know how to put things right

Let me just guess
Top of the list
is when I drift off
while you’re talking, right?

Got it in one,
Go on, my son
Rest assured, I could go on all night

Could it be the way
I see nothing
but my own point of view?

Certainly yes
You’ve passed the test
Now you know to put things right

Put things right …
Put things right …